Modern Jive - All About Quick Movements & Sexy Styles

Modern jive is one of the most famous, yet easy partner dance styles to learn. It includes a lot of quick moves and has a sexy style. Even the moves of beginners look very cool when done in dance clubs or at parties. If you are one of those who has a secret desire to learn partner dance, joining jive dancing classes could be your best option.

Before enrolling in dancing classes, let’s know more about the history of modern jive. In Latin dancing, the jive is a very popular dance style that originated from African-Americans in the U.S. in the early 1930s. It was popularized by Cab Calloway in the year 1934.

Today, there are a number of sources from where you can get dance classes or lessons. These classes offer various types of dance styles that are easy to learn, sociable and fun. When you will dance at any weddings, people will clear the entire floor for you and enjoy all your moves. And then, they all will wish that they could dance like you.

Jive is more than a dance style. It is not just the fastest Latin dance but can fulfill the need for a great cardio workout. Your teacher in jive dancing classes will help you learn modern jive dance moves in the most fun way possible. So, don’t be a shy lady. Ask a man to dance! The answer will be “yes, I’d love to dance.”


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